Inspiring Connections Outdoors Code of Ethics
(All Volunteers must read and sign this document)
- Smoking or use of tobacco products in the presence of youth during ICO outings is prohibited.
- Using, possessing, or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs during ICO outings is prohibited.
- Using or possessing any weapons during ICO outings is prohibited.
- Volunteers will not abuse (verbally, physically, and sexually) participants or co-volunteers in any way.
- Volunteers will conduct themselves in a courteous and respectful manner, exhibit good sportsmanship, and provide positive role models for all youth. Volunteers must treat children of all ages, religions, and cultures with respect and consideration.
- Volunteers must use positive techniques of guidance, including positive reinforcement and encouragement rather than competition, comparison, or criticism. Volunteers shall abstain from humiliating or frightening discipline techniques.
- Two or more ICO volunteers must participate on each outing. If possible, both male and female volunteers should be present during co-educational outings. Under no circumstance, except extreme emergency, may any volunteer be alone with a youth participant. Volunteers will refrain from intimate displays of affection towards others in the presence of children, parents, or other volunteers.
- Volunteers must be free of physical and psychological conditions that might adversely affect children’s health, including fever, or contagious conditions.
- Volunteers are prohibited from access, display, or possession of pornography on Sierra Club’s property, equipment, or on trips with children.
I understand that any violation of this statement may result in my termination as an ICO volunteer.
Sierra Club Outing Volunteer Agreement
In order to serve in a volunteer leadership capacity in Sierra Club Inspiring Connections Outdoors, we need your agreement to the existing Sierra Club policy governing your status with respect to trips, ICO policies and standards.
First, in helping with the ICO program you are considered an Outing volunteer. You are not an employee of the Sierra Club or any of the Sierra Club's chapters or subsidiary organizations. Since you are a volunteer and not an employee:
- You will not be paid wages or salary or any remuneration whatsoever for your volunteer services;
- You will not be entitled to any fringe benefits or other rights and privileges that may be afforded Sierra Club employees;
- You will not be entitled to state unemployment compensation, state disability compensation, social security or any similar governmental benefit, and accordingly no unemployment, disability, or social security contributions will be paid on your behalf; and
- You will not be covered by any workers' compensation insurance. None of the above benefits or payments will be paid to you or on your behalf because you are a volunteer and not an employee.
Second, as a Sierra Club volunteer offering to serve on an Inspiring Connections Outdoors trip, you are free to terminate your relationship with the Inspiring Connections Outdoors program and the Sierra Club at any time. (We anticipate that you will give your local ICO group chairperson reasonable notice of any such termination so that alternate arrangements can be made, if necessary.) The Sierra Club enjoys the same right to terminate the volunteer relationship at any time, with or without cause, and may exercise these rights in its sole and exclusive discretion. Leadership is a privilege, not a right. In order to maintain the high standards of the Sierra Club and to continue to live up to the public expectation based upon its excellent reputation as a leader in the outdoor industry, leaders must meet criteria established by Sierra Club volunteer and staff management.
Third, Express Assumption of Risk. You understand, acknowledge and agree that the Inspiring Connections Outdoors trips for which you have volunteered may involve inherent risks of injury. You understand that Inspiring Connections Outdoors may require considerable physical activity, mental activity and stress, unusual itineraries and modes of transportation which will entail certain risks to your person. You acknowledge that illnesses and accidents, including serious illnesses and accidents causing severe physical injury, mental injury, and even death, could occur during any Inner City Outing, and that such accidents could take place in remote locations which lack adequate medical facilities and from which there is not access to emergency rescue personnel or facilities. You appreciate and understand the seriousness of these risks and having been informed of these risks, and with such appreciation, information and understanding, you freely and voluntarily and expressly and without reservation assume all such risks and agree that such risks are not the responsibility of the Sierra Club.
Fourth, as a Sierra Club Outing volunteer, you must cooperate fully with any investigation of suspected child abuse. Failure to do so may be grounds for immediate termination.
Fifth, you agree that prior to participating in an ICO outing or activity as a volunteer you will have applied for a Sierra Club membership, if not already a member.
By signing the Inspiring Connections Outdoors – SF Bay Area Volunteer Application, I the volunteer, do consent to my volunteer status, to the policies and to the assumption of risk agreement set forth herein. This agreement will remain in effect until canceled in writing by one of the parties.